
Retirement Income Specialist Phil Lubinski was featured in Forbes discussing how to handle the top four retirement worries. Phil lends his expert advice to E. Napoletano on how a segmented retirement income plan can ensure you don’t outlive your savings.

For most people, thinking about retirement isn’t all about peaceful white sand beaches and flip flops. In fact, retirement planning is the number one source of financial stress for the majority of Americans, according to research by Charles Schwab.

If you don’t have one already, now could be the right time to enlist the services of a financial advisor who specializes in retirement income. More specifically, Lubinski recommends investors seek out advisors who specialize in a strategy called segmentation.

“Segmenting a retiree’s lifetime into multiple time horizons and creating separate investment portfolios for each segment of time provides retirees with a clear plan,” he says. “Using segmentation, retirees know how much income they will be receiving in the future and the specific portfolio that will provide the income.”

Read the full article in Forbes


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